The Ancient Wisdom of
Sacred Geometry
What is the Harmonic Egg®?
The Harmonic Egg® combines bio resonance with the ancient wisdom of sacred geometry. This integrative
Egg-sperience utilizes light, color, sound, and frequency, to offer its user the quintessential relaxation experience.
By containing and amplifying the sound resonance within the chamber, the client receives a 3D sound session that is precisely controlled, consistent, and repeatable. This auditory relaxation holds the client in a place of deep calm and rest, allowing the listener's highest intention to flow through them, creating beautiful shifts in consciousness.

What will you experience?
Recline in a zero-gravity chair within the Egg and be enveloped in waves of sound, color, and light. This immersive environment connects with your Autonomic Nervous System, promoting natural healing of mind, body, and spirit. The harmonious fusion within the Egg fosters a natural equilibrium, ushering in an intensely serene and healthful state of being.
Sound employs entrainment to shift your brainwave state, synchronizing your brainwaves with stable rhythms or frequencies. Instruments near your body cause your cells to vibrate at the same frequency as the sounds they perceive. Various instrument frequencies create sound waves that transition brainwaves from waking consciousness (Beta) to relaxation (Alpha), deep meditation (Theta), and even to the healing waves that occur during deep sleep (Delta). An immersive Egg-sperience can gently guide you into a restorative and healing Delta state.
Immersed in this healing environment, you’ll forge a deep connection with every cell, as your body undergoes a holistic transformation, fostering well-being, aiding in self-healing, and restoring balance.
How does it work?
The Harmonic Egg® uses consciously created music by high-vibration artists. When the artist is in the studio, they are holding the highest intention for all of those who will hear it, and they match different instrumentation to the organs and energy centers (chakras) of the body. The Egg’s unique dodecagon shape creates a frequency loop, reflecting these vibrational tones to channel energy into the body.
The Harmonic Egg® is designed using Nikola Tesla’s principles, with a golden mean ratio that allows the waves to envelop your entire body and energy field.
Imagine a symphony of colors dancing around you. Inside the Egg, different colors interact with your body’s energies, helping to clear blockages and promote healing. The Egg uses mercury-free LED lights that cover the full color spectrum, from reds to purples, to support your body’s natural healing processes.
Light is essential for the body, supporting the Endocrine System, organs, and immune functions. It enters through our eyes, skin, energy fields, and chakras. Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman calls light an ‘essential nutrient’ and describes ‘malillumination’ as the lack of natural light in our modern lifestyle, which blocks important light spectrums needed for our well-being.
The combination of light, color, and sound within the enclosed resonant chamber Egg create a rich field of scalar waves. These waves are believed to penetrate deeply into the body’s energy fields and cells, promoting healing and well-being. At the core, Scalar Waves are PURE LOVE!

Harmonic Egg® Distance Sessions
We offer distance or remote sessions for clients who cannot or prefer not to visit our studio in person. While we think that physical sessions are more effective, distance sessions are still a great option. You may wonder how you can benefit from a session without being there in person. The concept of the biofield, or the energy body, has been known and used by many ancient cultures, but it is still new to our modern society.
The Biofield Sciences is a new field of study that explores our energy fields and how they influence our health and well-being. You can work with your biofield from anywhere, as it is not limited by physical distance.
Please inquire with us for more information about Harmonic Egg®, Distance Sessions

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Reduce stress & anxiety
Clients have reported that the Harmonic Egg® promotes a calming, meditative experience. It’s recognized for alleviating PTSD symptoms and reducing stress related to work, personal relationships, and health concerns. The no touch approach of the Harmonic Egg® is particularly beneficial for individuals with a history of trauma.